Sunday, December 15, 2019


For the univariate analysis between categorical variables and outcome, we considered the chi-square test for comparison of two groups. Arch Intern Med , Massachusetts, v. The use of many diagnostic tools and laboratory tests are particularly exploited in intensive care units ICU due to the nature of the assistance designed to critically ill patients that require environmental, material, scientific, and human conditions, specific and adequated to specialized care 2. Puderam ser avaliados 1. Usos e abusos de exame complementar. Av Enferm Rio Grande do Sul , v.

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11 serviços desnecessários do Windows que você pode desligar

The high rate of normal tests results draws attention to the need for greater valorization of physical examination in order to avoid unnecessary tests, except in selected cases, when there is the need for monitoring small changes in deznecessariis bilirubin levels. This hospital provides treatment for patients of medium and high complexity, such as polytrauma, involving surgery, coronary artery disease, among others.

deznecesaarios This dichotomy between technological advances and undervaluation of semiotic findings can directly affect the performance of unnecessary testing. Table 3 presents the results of laboratory tests in relation to the proportion of normal and abnormal tests according to the reference range.

These tests are hardly ordered in the service, and could not be included in the sample. In Brazil, there are few studies that address dznecessarios issue. In this study, the average daily number requests were Arterial blood gas analysis is performed in the gasometer allocated in the ICU, which also made impossible the evaluation of these data, since they were not available in the laboratory system.

Av Enferm Rio Grande do Sulv. It was characterized as unnecessary tests the recurrence of normal results in tests requested repeatedly. The criteria used for qualifying a test as unnecessary was based on analyzes of studies previously identified in the literature Table 1. They demonstrated higher prevalence request of CBC, fasting blood glucose, capillary blood glucose levels, blood gases, and serum deznecessarils 514corroborating the results of this study, which has a higher request rate for CBC, sodium, and potassium.

The complementarity aspect of the laboratory tests is lost, since it should support the clinical findings. As regards the analysis of unnecessary orders, we observed an average of 7. Arch Intern MedMassachusetts, v.


Continuous variables were analyzed by mean, median, and standard deviation; categorical variables, by frequency and percentage. Naturally, the transfer of financial resources prioritizes the critically ill patients. In the study, we verified a predominance of male individuals For this type of analysis, only four parameters could be evaluated calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and bilirubinsince no studies that addressed the framework of other analytical determinations within this approach were found.

Deznecessariox approach to hematological test usage in a major teaching hospital. HU Rev, Juiz de Fora, v. Puderam ser avaliados 1. Agente found in their study an average of International Normalized Dezecessarios PT: The numbers of this study indicate the need to implement protocols or guidelines for using laboratory tests in intensive care, aiming at improving assistance and optimizing health costs, beyond the rational use of resources for specialized diagnostic.

A number of 1. In this analysis, tests were recorded throughout the study period August-September TABLE 1 Classification criteria for of unnecessary laboratory tests Laboratory tests Criterion for prescription Reference Sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine, and blood count Indicated in daily requests Wang et al.

Written guidelines for laboratory testing in intensive care-still effective after 3 years.

For children, there was an average of When the distribution of laboratory test requests was analyzed by age group, no significant difference between groups was observed. Laboratory tests are mainly intended to provide the information necessary to meet the fundamental principle of clarifying diagnosis or elucidate specific situations not possible to detect by other means.

The mean time of hospitalization was 8. Patients with up to five days stay had an average of This reflection implies a possible underestimation of the number of unnecessary tests.

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