Wednesday, December 18, 2019


The core is a lib2to3 , a package that contains support for refactoring Python code. One of the main problems with modifying the parse tree directly is that if you replace some part of the parse tree the new replacement has to not only generate the correct output on its own but it has to be organized correctly. It can either specify a module to run, a test class to run, or a function that returns a TestSuite object to run. It would be possible to go through the prefix, look for comments and re-indent them too, but we would then have to assume that the comments should have the same indentation as the following code, which is not always true. The fixers that are included in lib2to3 will do most conversion that can be done automatically. As a more complex example I have a fixer that changes the indentation to 4 spaces. If you also have separate files that should be run as DocTests then Distribute will not find them automatically. lib2to3

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By default, the conversion uses all fixers in the lib2to3. To help you generate parse trees that will lib2t3 valid code there is several helper functions in lib2to3. This is supported in the latest versions of zope.

The trick here is in the match function. These will only be used if specifically added to the command line.

Debian -- Details of package python3-lib2to3 in sid

This may seem superfluous, as Python already has two modules for that, namely parser and ast. If you subclass from BaseFix you only need to override two methods, match and transform.


The core is a lib2to3a package that contains support for refactoring Python code. You need to change every print statement to a print function, and you need to change every except Exception, e to use the new except Exception as e syntax.

The book gets right to the point, without a lot of fluff and filler Doug Hellmann A concise, well-organised and complete reference Richard Jones Search the book Enter search terms or a module, class or function name. Lastly is the 2to3 script itself, which you run to do the conversion. If match returns a non-false result, 2to3 will then call the transform method. You give a file or directory as parameter and it will convert the file or look through the directory for Python files and convert them.

You should have it installed already.

Package: python3-lib2to3 (3.7.4-3)

Didn't know about this program, but according to PyPI 2to3 has been part of the standard library since 2. Add a pattern to fix the usage of the constant under it's standard name: The finished pattern then becomes:.

Although the parse tree looks fairly straightforward at first glance, it can be quite convoluted. Although it is basically just a matter of keeping track of the indentation level and replacing any new line with the current level of indentation there are still several special cases.

Also add "Programming Language:: This is only to show both techniques, there is no functional difference. It takes two values, the first one being the node and the second one being whatever match returned.

Ubuntu – Package Search Results -- python3-lib2to3

You should follow a certain name convention when making lib2t3. In the simplest case you can have match return just True or False and in that case the second parameter sent to transform will always be True.

A fixer should have an order attribute that should be set to "pre" or "post". This fixer is not really useful in practice and is only an example.


This can be as simple as documenting on the download page, if you host your packages yourself. The parse tree is made up of two types of objects; Node and Leaf. A typical example of a setup. Writing matching code that will find exactly what you want can be quite complex, so to help you lib2to3 has a module that will do a grammatical pattern matching on the parse tree.

Thank you for your reply. Any hint would be appreciated, thanks! It can analyze the code and build up a parse tree describing the structure of the code. Running 2to3 is very simple.

Here it's used as an attribute. I am using a Buildroot version of Linux, so Python came with the image and I really don't know how it was compiled.

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