Thursday, December 12, 2019


Goblin Queen Steve Wolbrecht Sign Up Already have an account? There are also much funnier lines which is always nice. You have to be a fan of the lifestyle to enjoy the movie but that doesn't take away from the laugh out loud moments. Kari K Super Reviewer.

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Full Cast and Crew. Was this review helpful to you?

This scene ties together all of The Gamers and sets the stage for what's to come. A low budget film that makes fun of gamers but in a fun way that had me laughing at times, vorkness at others. Share this Rating Title: Lodge explains to Joanna the reasons why he keeps the other players on such a short leash: Christian Doyle, Brian S.

The Gamers: Dorkness Rising - Wikipedia

So this is why I give the movie an 8 instead of the 9 that I initially thought of. John M Super Reviewer.

March 3, Reply. Natural One TV Movie Lewis, Trin Miller, Samara Lerman. Written by Matt Vancil. Hands of Fate Can the group overcome their bickering to save the kingdom, or will the evil necromancer Mort Kemnon triumph unopposed?

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The Gamers: Dorkness Rising () - Rotten Tomatoes

Unsourced material may hte challenged and removed. After the other players recommend she wishes herself immortal, she uses it to resurrect Osric, much to the extreme disapproval of Cass, who insults her and storms out. Dorkness Rising 7. The gamers then bitch and moan but still come back for more. You may later unsubscribe.

The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

Aurelius D Super Reviewer. A parody of fantasy films and the adventure gaming community, The Gamers: Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. All Lodge wants is for his gaming group to finish their adventure.

Much like the first film, Dorkness Rising makes reference to many quirks and conventions in roleplaying games and table-top gaming in general, including:. As the new campaign begins with the Mask of Death having been stolen, the film ends showing the henchman still alone in the mine. Cheese Hall of Fame. The Iron Crown This film follows a group of gamers who are trying to finish a campaign run by a GM frustrated by his group's disregard for his story. Dorkness Rising is a hilarious romp through the world of sword and sorcery — in this case, a world of exploding peasants, giant house cats, and undead roast turkeys.

The battle goes poorly for the players, until Lodge's cat messes up the floor-tiles and Cass distracts Lodge while they place their characters in preferable positions.

But it now FanSupported.

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