Monday, December 9, 2019


Cimet, Univerzum zna and Grob. The album was recorded in two studios: They begin their trilogy with the third album: They recorded in October of in the Underground studio, while the rest of th ematerial was recorded in Red Water studio in January, Maybe Grob isn't the best example to have a taste of Consecration's atmosphere, but once you absorb their sound, when you give them a chance to blow up your ears and caress your audio buds, it is very likely for you to do a retrograde turn back onto their previous work. consecration cimet album

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There is no conclusion in the end, but the path opens to something new, something that doesn't yet exist. The journey continues, has its cimst through hard guitar riffs and Danilo's vocal, that seems consceration be calling out for us. The sound is heavier, it delves into the depth and doesn't allow the listener to relax.

However, because of its size and complexity, it becomes a long term project. They worked on their first album for six years and they released it under the name Aux.

Consecration - Cimet - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Last song, an 8 minute Ejmi ? The album was recorded in two studios: Double click on above image to view full picture. Belgrade band Consecration decided to share their music with the world at the beginning of a new century, in to be more precise. Over the years, these makers of atmospheric music became a trio, and they defined their expression with fantastic sound, creating eclectic landscapes using hard and pervade dynamics that pervade the whole body of the listener.

CONSECRATION - Grob - 12" vinyl

Masters of the craft that contributed with their skills in the studio are Aaron Harris Isis who did the mixing, while James Plotkin finalized the mastering. Underground and Red Water. Maybe Grob isn't the best example to have a taste of Consecration's atmosphere, but once you absorb their sound, when you give them a chance to blow up your ears and caress your audio buds, it is very likely for you to do a retrograde turn back onto their previous work.

It was recorded in just one take because they tried to convey the atmosphere from a live gig for which they are known onto the studio album.

consecration cimet album

Moonlee Trade Center says hello! No matter which is your fantastic story or in which fairytale you see yourself in, the perplex and hard melodies played by these fellows from Belgrade will give the music a background for flaring up your imagination. They recorded in October of in the Underground studio, while the rest of th ematerial was recorded in Red Water studio in January, Cimet, Univerzum zna and Grob.

Grob will be out in the autumn ofand it will represent a logical sequel and an ending after Cimet and Univerzum zna. They are called Consecration and their vast experience in music includes five albums, from which the last one, Grob, represents the end of a trilogy together with Cimet and Univerzum zna.

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consecration cimet album

This loud triptych is divided into parts, although the whole material was ready in Product Tags Add Your Tags: Different influences can already be noticed on this album, the ones from Neurosis and Opeth, as well as the ones from Pink Floyd and The Cure. While the first two albums of this trilogy sound like a journey through the mystical universe and a persuit for meaning of life perhaps?

CONSECRATION: New Studio Album “Cimet” Out Now

Grob is released by Geenger Records in digital form and on vinyl. You have no items in your shopping cart. They begin their trilogy with the third album: Both Cimet and Univerzum zna were released inwhile Grob sees the light of day two years after, as a peak of this comprehensive creation.

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