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Thinking of you All through the morning I'm thinking mariss you All through the evening I'm thinking of you And the way that your holy water grew I met a girl under the water It made me recall how I wanted a daughter But you never gave me nothing that I could hold on to But I wrote you letters by the phone And I wrote you every night alone But who are you walking around with Buttercup He was my lord And I was his lady But I soon grew tired of the lazy days When I moved away and I thought of him often He came to me nights in my rose colored dreams Thinking of you All through the morning I'm thinking of you All through the evening I'm thinking of you And the way that your holy water grew But I wrote you letters by the or And I wrote you every night alone But who are you walking around with Buttercup Edit Lyrics Edit Wiki Add Video.
Thinking of You
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Thinking of You | Marissa Nadler
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Thinking of You song meanings.
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